IT administration
IT services basic
Our IT consulting aims to help our customers
realize all of their business intentions
using information technologies with any limitations.
Consulting service of our IT company is based on years of experience in the IT area and the newest informations from the world of Information Technology. We resolve conscientiously and individual every requirement of our customers.
H COM company offer solutions by IT CONSULTING which reflect:
a focus of customer`s company,
its size and location,
its plans for future,
a number and a type of employees,
computer skills of employees.
/ Sync and share of files in a group of co-workers of your company can ensure a quick overview in calendars, events, tasks and offers.
/ Synchronization of date in your computer and your smart phone can really save your time.
/ Connecting through VPN enables you and your employees to fully work at home or at your client like in an office. This connection ensures very flexible access to programs, data, emails and your corporate software systems.
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The properly solved and reliable server is the basic element of any well-functioning IT environment. It`s the reason why we design and configure every customer`s server according to the specific and individual requirements of our clients. The server is always specific and distinctive - it reflects the right needs of every customer.
Currently we manage more than 30 servers. Our experience portfolio is large enough to we are can provide professional solution for your company`s server too. It will provide services thank to whitch IT will be problematic no more. What`s more it will become a poweful tool and helper for strong increase of your work effectivity.
Our Monitoring IT centre ensures a nonstop operation of managed servers.
This 24-hour professional oversight monitors basic services of every server as:
a temperature,
an available hard drive space,
disk arrays,
fan rotation,
a power supply source,
reserve power supply and others.
Further our IT centre monitors the server services too:
sending and receiving emails,
antivirus and antispyware protection,
shared folders,
VPN connections,
web server,
printing services and others.
A professional approach and software features are most important objectives of every server configuration. We provide there:
an installation, an administration, a monitoring and a diagnostic of server systems
supported Linux and Windows platforms,
a virtual machine support for high flexibility of server services,
provide to nonstop server running,
a regular software updating,
an administration and an installation of network services like DNS, DHCP, Firewall
and an internet gateway,
Active Directory services,
Postfix, Cyrus and MS Exchange email services,
an antivirus and antispam protection with a central and complex administration,
VPN supported remote access client connections,
MS SQL, MySQL, PostreSQL database services,
webserver services for internal employees
and external users of Apache and MS IIS too,
a uninterruptible power supply (UPS) implementation,
a server performance optimization,
a server security,
system and data archiving solutions,
license server administration and documentation,
DRP – disaster recovery plan.
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The computer network administration means a reliable and trouble-free
running of the whole corporate IT system. In case of problems, it provides a flexible and effective problem solving.
H COM company offers and provides in the computer network administration:
a professional non-stop emergency,
a continual monitoring of the IT infrastructure,
fixing potential failures as soon as possible,
all of specific operations like an installation, an integration, a creation,
a configuration and a reconfiguration of any IT network elements
- printers, servers, computers, users, programs etc.
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Veľké množstvá informácií a možností prepojenia, ktoré sú nám všetkým neustále
k dispozícií a dávajú nám možnosť byť neustále v kontakte s okolím, so sebou prinášajú
aj veľké riziko.
Ono predstavuje ohrozenie zneužitia a straty osobných i interných
dát spoločnosti, napadnutie a znefunkčnenie počítačovej siete,
ktoré je spôsobené rôznymi vírusovými infiltráciami. V tejto oblasti poskytujeme
spoľahlivý systém ochrany vašich dát, vašej práce a systémov.
Spoločnosť H com v oblasti tvorby bezpečnosti IT systémov ponúka a zabezpečuje:
vhodné nakonfigurovanie firewallov a výkonnej antivírusovej ochrany,
softwarové riešenia alebo hardwarové zariadenia renomovaných značiek
ako napr. Zyxell, ktoré v tejto oblasti obdržali množstvo významných ocenení
za spoľahlivosť,
inštalovanie antivírusovej ochrany na mailových a súborových serveroch,
inštalovanie antivírusovej ochrany aj na jednotlivých klientskych počítačoch,
blokovanie nevhodných webstránok a monitoring,
virtuálne antispamové riešenia, ktoré zabezpečia vymazávanie
neželaných emailových správ,
osobitný prístup k spracovaniu dát s ohľadom na danú situáciu
a požiadavky kladené na ochranu s využitím našich skúsenosti
a výsledkov vzájomnej komunikácie so zákazníkom.